Captain Maggie McDonogh with William Bryerton & family
U.S.C.G. Certified “Captain Maggie” McDonough and the Angel Island Tiburon Ferry extend a warm note of thanks to KTVU Channel 2 News and John Sasaki for taking the time to visit their Tiburon, Calif. dock, take a ferry ride…and report on the unique history of Angel Island -Tiburon Ferry Co., a popular family owned and operated Marin County business located in Tiburon, California.
U.S.C.G. Certified Captain Maggie McDonogh is the 4th generation captain and president & CEO of Angel Island – Tiburon Ferry Company. “Captain Maggie” is the recipient of numerous community awards and accolades including the recent distinction of being named the Tiburon Chamber of Commerce’s “Tiburon Peninsula’s 2014 Business Citizen of the Year.” Please visit our “Press Page” for the inside look at “Captain Maggie” in the community and in the news.