Camp Reynolds, Angel Island State from San Francisco Bay
Mark your calendars and hop on Angel Island Tiburon Ferry’s 10 a.m. ferry to attend Angel Island State Park’s “Gateway to the Pacific” living history event on:
Saturday and Sunday, October 26 and 27, from 11:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. at Camp Reynolds
Set against the backdrop of the spectacular San Francisco Bay, this FREE event highlights Angel Island and its role in the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars of 1899-1902.
Re-enactors will interpret the lives of soldiers and civilians of the time. Park interpreters and docents will be on hand to discuss details of the war and:
- Exhibit period equipment and weapons
- Demonstrate original hand-crank sewing machines
- Showcase home crafts of the era spotlighting civilian life back at home
The U.S. Army Post Camp Reynolds, housed troops being deployed to locations throughout the Pacific in times of war, including the Philippine Islands, until the military left the Island during the early 1960s. A map of Angel Island is available upon arrival at Ayala Cove and can also be downloaded at www.parks.ca.gov/angelisland.
For more information about Angel Island State Park call (415) 435-5390 or visit us online at www.parks.ca.gov/angelisland or on Facebook and Twitter. For ferry information from Tiburon, contact Angel Island Ferry Company, (415) 435-2131, angelislandferry.com.