Award winning Captain Maggie McDonogh. Photo Credit: Marin Magazine
Thank you for taking the time to check out our community media page. Captain Maggie McDonogh and “Angel Island – Tiburon Ferry” are extremely thankful for the opportunity to be involved in the San Francisco Bay Area community and beyond.
For current story ideas please feel free to contact us to arrange an interview with Captain Maggie McDonogh at: 415.209.0722.
For “News only” related inquires please call Lee Houskeeper at: 415.777.4700.
Captain Maggie McDonogh and the Angel Island – Tiburon Ferry, Co. have been featured on the following TV networks, print, social and news media outlets (Partial listing):
Sept. 18, 2018 Marin IJ Article by Matthew Pera:
Angel Island Ferry operators gain ground in fight
Senator Mike McGuire’s 9/14/2018 Social Media Announcement publicizing
California State Lands Commission’s concerns over the 2018 Angel Island Ferry RPF and their request for State Parks to cancel or put the RPF on hold.
.@MarcLevine_CA and I share in the State Lands Commission’s concerns that proper protocols may not have been followed on the @AITFerry RFP. We remain deeply concerned that the RFP is unworkable and unfair and that the document was weighted towards a larger provider. #Marin pic.twitter.com/LYyTP5YJGu
— Mike McGuire (@ilike_mike) September 15, 2018
Sept. 17, 2018 – Marin IJ News Coverage:
Angel Island Ferry owner rallies support to continue operating
Sept. 17/2018/ABC 7 News: The ferry run between Tiburon and Angel Island is likely to be the most contested one mile of water in California. For 59 years, it’s been a family affair. (KGO-TV)
‘Battle escalates over Angel Island-Tiburon ferry’
Sept. 17, 2018 San Francisco Chronicle Article:
‘Feud over Angel Island-Tiburon ferry contract intensifies’
Sept. 15, 2018 San Francisco Chronicle Article:
‘It’s Full speed ahead for Tiburon’s Capt.Maggie despite contract dispute’
Marin County Senator Mike McGuire on Twitter:
For five generations, the @AITFerry has been a pillar of the community. They’re family run, woman owned, and are being squeezed out by State Parks. Coming together w/ @MarcLevine @townoftiburon @TiburonChamber and thousands from across NorCal to ask for a cancellation of the RFP. pic.twitter.com/sz1P7W3aQU
— Mike McGuire (@ilike_mike) September 17, 2018
‘Biddings Put on Hold for Angel Island Ferry’
Sept. 17, 2018/NBC Bay Area: The Angel Island-Tiburon Ferry has been around for generations, but a potential bidding war to operate the line threatened to hurt the system’s bottom line. Pete Suratos reports.
Tiburon Boating Family Vows to Continue Angel Island Ferry Run
Sept. 15/2018/ NBC Bay Area: The longtime maritime family that has run ferry service between Tiburon and Angel Island State Park said it will fight to renew its contract with the state, even after declining to answer the state’s call for proposals to operate the service in the future. Joe Rosato Jr. reports. (Published Friday, Sept. 14, 2018)
Special thanks to the Marin Independent Journal for their 9/7/2018 news coverage of the the growing number of concerned government officials and community citizens supporting/signing the Petition asking California State Parks to provide Angel Island – Tiburon Ferry a fair, feasible and sustainable renewal contract.
Read the full Marin IJ online on the link below:
‘Angel Island Ferry petition circulates to keep longtime operator’
To leave a reply to the above Sept. 7, 2018 article please click on the following link (Scroll down past ad block) to “Join the discussion…”
Click to leave a reply.
Please take a moment to sign the Petition in Support of Angel Island – Tiburon Ferry on the link below:
Special Thanks to The ARK Newspaper for their 8/29/2018 news coverage on Angel Island – Tiburon Ferry’s contract renewal issues with California State Parks.
Read 8/29/2018 Article: ‘Blue & Gold positions to take over ferry runs to Angel Island from local operator’
Special Thanks to SFGATE for their coverage of Angel Island – Tiburon Ferry’s Whale Watching & Wildlife Tours, which currently run Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. through the month of September 2018.
Read the SF GATE Article: Busy Whale Watching season not over on SF Bay
Click here to book 2018 Angel Island – Tiburon Ferry Whale Watching Cruises online.
Special thanks to NBC Bay Area Chief Meteorologist Jeff Ranieri for featuring Angel Island – Tiburon Ferry ON AIR during the NBC Bay Area Weather Report and on his Twitter social media feed:
🐳 of a time near SF Golden Gate Bridge today. Literally…Thanks @AITFerry for super close pics of these #whales enjoying the ☀️ @nbcbayarea pic.twitter.com/H7kx7Jctpb
— Jeff Ranieri (@JeffRanieri) June 23, 2017
Here’s a quick inside look at a few of the experiences you can enjoy with Angel Island Ferry:

Captain Maggie McDonogh of the Angel Island – Tiburon Ferry.
A pillar in the San Francisco Bay Area community and beyond, Captain Maggie McDonogh is the recipient of many honors and awards including:
American Red Cross Lifesaving Hero Organization Award…to name a few.
Special thanks to the Ark Newspaper and Diane Smith for their article on the Tiburon Chamber of Commerce naming “Captain Maggie” McDonogh Tiburon Peninsula’s “Business Citizen of the Year.”

Tiburon Counsel Member Alice Fredrick’s presents Captain Maggie McDonogh with Tiburon Peninsula Citizen of the Year Citizen of the Year Award.
Captain Maggie McDonogh named Tiburon Peninsula Chamber of Commerce’s Business Citizen of the Year.
The following news except appears on TiburonChamber.org:
Captain Maggie is being honored for her service to the Tiburon community and many local and international charitable causes, as well as for her dedication to making Angel Island accessible to as many people as possible and to preserving the natural beauty and historic landmarks of the island. Captain Maggie and the Angel Island Tiburon Ferry Company also play a crucial public safety role on the Bay, having rescued troubled boaters and evacuating stranded campers and ferrying over 1,200 firefighters to Angel Island to fight the fire that threatened the island and its historic buildings in 2008. Captain Maggie truly is Tiburon’s “Ferry godmother!” Read full story here.
Captain Maggie extends a special thank you to NBC Bay Area and news reporter Ian Cull for getting onboard our 2014 SF Giant World Series Cruise to McCovey Cove to take in Game 3 and their exceptional news coverage on Captain Maggie McDonogh, Angel Island – Tiburon Ferry and the fabulous fans on our cruise from the magical vantage point of San Francisco Bay. Click here for more information on Angel Island Ferry’s 2016 SF Giants Home Game Cruises to McCovey Cove.
Special thanks to John Sasaki and KTVU – Channel 2 News for taking the time to visit with us and produce a news segment on Angel Island Tiburon Ferry.
Quick links to access a sampling of Captain Maggie’s print features:
Angel Island Tiburon Ferry to Angel Island named one of Top Ferry Rides by Sunset Magazine
Save the Bay “Bay Heroes” Interview with Captain Maggie McDonogh: Save The Bay Blog Interview with Captain Maggie McDonogh

Captain Maggie McDonogh
“Save The Bay” interviews Angel Island Tiburon Ferry Captain Maggie McDonogh on the return of Harbor Porpoises. Click here for full article.
For compelling story ideas, to schedule an interview, or to arrange a media day and/or ferry ride with Captain Maggie please call Angel Island Tiburon Ferry’s media department at: 415.209.0722.
Pingback: Red Cross Heroes event reveals Angel Island Ferry’s strength is in its people « Captain Maggie
Pingback: Getaway with Captain Maggie’s SF Bay Travel Guide « Captain Maggie
Pingback: A look back and to the future reveals Angel Island Ferry is a “family affair” « Captain Maggie