Who said there was no such thing as a "free ride?"
Now you can “Get that getaway feeling without going away” and bring along a companion – for FREE when you get “On-Board” with “Captain Maggie’s $5.00 Roundtrip Special”- which includes a “Stay-on-Board” Roundtrip Ferry Ride to Angel Island!
Extended through December 2011 – Simply fill out the form below to receive you FREE Companion Ticket to Ride TODAY!
[contact-form 2 “Free Companion Ferry Ride”]
Pingback: Enjoy a FREE Companion Ride with Angel Island Tiburon Ferry! | TibTV
I’m confused about the Captain Maggies free companion ferry ride. Does it mean that you cannot get off the ferry and spend some time on Angel Island? Can you enlighten me? Thanks.
Hi Richard,
The $5.00 Captain Maggie Special offers a “stay-on-board” round trip ferry ride on the Angel Island Tiburon Ferry during regularly scheduled trips to and from Angel Island. Captain Maggie Special riders stay on the boat while passengers visiting Angel Island unload and passengers looking for a return trip from the Island re-load.
If you wish to get off the boat and visit Angel Island you can purchase a ticket at the dock which will include the state park admission fee. Please visit http://www.AngelIslandFerry.com for current ferry schedules and ticket information – Enjoy! Captain Maggie