Tag: Tiburon
Angel Island Tiburon Ferry 50th Anniversary Sunset Cruise Special – Buy 2 Get 1 FREE!
It’s the perfect time to enjoy our “Buy 2 Get 1 FREE” Sunset Cruise Special celebrating Angel Island Tiburon Ferry’s 50th Anniversary – running Friday and Saturday evenings now through October 16, 2010 – 6:30 PM – 8 PM out of Tiburon, CA! Pack a picnic dinner, your favorite bottle …
Take Mom on an Angel Island Tiburon Ferry Sunset Cruise this Weekend and Show Her How Much You Care!
“Get that Getaway Feeling without going away with a ride on the Angel Island Tiburon Ferry!” Enjoy Ferry Rides to Angel Island State Park, Weekly Sunset Cruises, and Private Chartered Events. Watch Angel Island Tiburon Ferry Captain Maggie McDonogh review the best ways tourists and locals can take in the sights, explore, and enjoy life to the fullest with her and her crew on SF Bay as seen on California Living with Aprilanne primetime Bay Area Wide…
HeroesHappens.com launches TV push promoting volunteerism with Captain Maggie on board!

In the HeroesHappen.com Public Awarenss TV campaign, producer Aprilanne Hurley and Captain Maggie encourage viewers to “find the their “inner hero” with the support of superstar hero – Masi Oka – who plays a “hero” in the hit TV series “Heroes . Viewers are encouraged to “get out and volunteer – and unleash their inner hero” through community volunteerism.
NEW site created with end-user in mind for AngelIslandFerry.com
We are very excited to launch our NEW site, which has been designed to provide web-visitors with a user-friendly, content rich online experience. Please take a few moments to look around, explore, and discover all the great things to do on and around San Francisco Bay on AngelIslandFerry.com – and “take a ride with us! ” Captain …